Behold the Community Organizers "communuity" speaking their minds at The Obama Forum website. Read topics such as: Why communism is good, hurry up socialism, stickin' it the the white man and more. Big surprise, most of the pro-Obama posters are Acorn lovers as well.
MIAMI - Trying to make the best of a bad situation, federal officials might use foreclosed homes as temporary housing for hurricane evacuees in Florida as soon as this summer.
(behold the intelligent commentary)
that right Brothers we gettin what commin to us ,,,,,Brothers in florida will be gettin a free house as partial reperaions payment from our Strong Black President
once the Brothers move into these mother****ers their aint no way they is movin out either
anything less than a 4000 square foot home with travertine floor and stainless steel appliance wont be acceptible,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,them mother****ers is finnally gonna pay up
and the best part,,,,that stupid mother****er whitey aint gonna even know what hit em

once the Brothers move into these mother****ers their aint no way they is movin out either

anything less than a 4000 square foot home with travertine floor and stainless steel appliance wont be acceptible,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,them mother****ers is finnally gonna pay up

and the best part,,,,that stupid mother****er whitey aint gonna even know what hit em

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