Fear and Loathing in the Obama Forums

Its always interesting to see the media dance around trying to explain what Barack Obama means when he says " We are going to fundamentally change the country,"
but BO's true believers are not shy in interpreting what he really means. Behold some snippets from The Obama Forum groups where honesty reigns.
Welcome to the official grassroots forum.
Making the white middle class pay for our health insurance.
HA HA HA...the suckers are gonna PAY.
The white middle class should bear the burden of not only healthcare costs,
but everything else in this country.
They've had it too good for too long in their little racist lap of luxury.
They've sat back and let the Black Man build this country, while they
just took and took and took.
It's time for the racist white middle class in America to pay up!
but everything else in this country.
They've had it too good for too long in their little racist lap of luxury.
They've sat back and let the Black Man build this country, while they
just took and took and took.
It's time for the racist white middle class in America to pay up!
The US private healthcare industry accounts for approximately 15% of US GDP.
They must be all be crushed to pave way for centralised healthcare.
This is the first real step towards Communist collectivism.
Praise Obama!
They must be all be crushed to pave way for centralised healthcare.
This is the first real step towards Communist collectivism.
Praise Obama!
Proud Supporter of Obama and One World Marxist Egalitarianism.
Wait until that capitalistic Bush tax cut that everyones forgotten about expires next year crackers. HA HA HA. You'll pay or ride the train to the nearest FEMA camp.
Nothing scares whitey more than an educated and articulate strong black man.
Keeping it real for Obama.
Nothing scares whitey more than an educated and articulate strong black man.
Keeping it real for Obama.
Whitey needs to pay. They are our slaves now. It is there responsability to pay the taxes and our Obama care.
I cant wait for this. It will help send the uppitty white middle class, along with them filthy spics, into poverty. And make it criminal not to have health care. We can even force them to take vaccines.
I cant wait for this. It will help send the uppitty white middle class, along with them filthy spics, into poverty. And make it criminal not to have health care. We can even force them to take vaccines.
Healthcare costs will drop significantly once the useless old and sick folks die off.
More for the rest of us then.
More for the rest of us then.
The privileged white masses make up the majority of the old and sick.
I really can't see Universal Healthcare being truely fair unless it's
coupled with a euthenasia programme.
I really can't see Universal Healthcare being truely fair unless it's
coupled with a euthenasia programme.
Hurry Socialism!!!
No longer will 10% of the population control 90% of the wealth.
No longer will the wealthy oppress the poor.
No longer will the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
It's time that America joined the world community of Socialism.
No longer will 10% of the population control 90% of the wealth.
No longer will the wealthy oppress the poor.
No longer will the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
It's time that America joined the world community of Socialism.
Obama Youth Brigade Passes in the Senate!
Oh what a glorious day comrades! Oh what a glorious day for our Cause! Our Strong Black Presidents Youth Brigade program has passed in the Senate! It will move next to the House for further approval.
This is huge my brothers and sisters. The day of reckoning against the evils of White Capitalist Greed has come!
Yes We Can!
This is huge my brothers and sisters. The day of reckoning against the evils of White Capitalist Greed has come!
Yes We Can!
We are cutting a deal in the house now. ACORN will have a big role in this, as they have been looking for an "enforcement" arm to keep blacks in houses where they choose not to pay the mortgage any more. We ultimately want to let black folks "shop" for white homes that they would like to live in, and ACORN will finally have to muscle to throw whitey out on his ass. Tricking all of these stupid whites to vote for this has been easier than expected, but it does not matter because Obama can make it happen anyway.
Also, our agenda for putting the military on the streets to control civilian populations is way ahead of schedule. We just dispatched a whole armed squad of military police to patrol the streets in Alabama, and no one even noticed. We even did this without the governor's approval. Troops returning from Iraq are now receiving this training and practicing in white suburban neighborhoods.
I can not wait till next year, when Obama's private security forces are formed. Its hard to believe that we have accomplished so much in only 2 months, and whitey is still in denial. My brothers, we are serving our lord well and will be blessed.
Also, our agenda for putting the military on the streets to control civilian populations is way ahead of schedule. We just dispatched a whole armed squad of military police to patrol the streets in Alabama, and no one even noticed. We even did this without the governor's approval. Troops returning from Iraq are now receiving this training and practicing in white suburban neighborhoods.
I can not wait till next year, when Obama's private security forces are formed. Its hard to believe that we have accomplished so much in only 2 months, and whitey is still in denial. My brothers, we are serving our lord well and will be blessed.
For those in doubt, this bill is obviously a jumping point for futher military reforms, many of which we can pass through without the public actually knowing what's in them. Look at how many earmarks Obama, praise His name, has snuck past those cracker capitalist radicals! It's OUR movement now, and we can do whatever we want, and we don't have to tell anyone!
been monoriting the right wing nut forums Brothers,,,,,,whitey bout to shit he self
every mother****ing thing we tell that mother****er here become true and he still cant accept the truth unless rush linbough tell it to him,,,,,reminds me of that crazy mother****er hitler not wanting to accept reality
we commin for you whitey,,,,,,,,,you mother****ing number bout up

every mother****ing thing we tell that mother****er here become true and he still cant accept the truth unless rush linbough tell it to him,,,,,reminds me of that crazy mother****er hitler not wanting to accept reality
we commin for you whitey,,,,,,,,,you mother****ing number bout up

And this interesting call to arms for young jack-booted thugs to join the cause...
DARE : To Inform On Your Parents
What is a Informer?
A Informer is a unique young person. Informing on your parents will make your opinions and voices heard .
As a Informer you will be part of an exclusive group that is given access to new ideas, new ad campaigns and new technologies - all before anyone else!! Informers are the ones who influence which ideas are decent enough to take forward, influencing the decisions made by the Obama grass roots organisations and the democratic party. We really do want to know what you think!
All information you provide is held in complete privacy. We do not pass on any of your contact details to anyone!
A Informer is a unique young person. Informing on your parents will make your opinions and voices heard .
As a Informer you will be part of an exclusive group that is given access to new ideas, new ad campaigns and new technologies - all before anyone else!! Informers are the ones who influence which ideas are decent enough to take forward, influencing the decisions made by the Obama grass roots organisations and the democratic party. We really do want to know what you think!
All information you provide is held in complete privacy. We do not pass on any of your contact details to anyone!
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