With all the turmoil in the economy under the Obama administration, the future, at least for the next few years is beginning to look dim. Continued job losses. the failing pensions of many retiring baby boomers and the increasing burden on Social Security and Welfare programs, plus another wave of home foreclosures could spell economic disaster. Tax revenues are declining as government expenditures are climbing leading to the inevitable increased burden upon those parts of the economy still functioning.
What can citizens who have been disenfranchised by a non-representative government do to survive these tough economic times ahead?
In this Washington Post story "Barter system reborn", many are already using Craigslist to barter for goods and services.
Websites connecting people to swap goods and services have popped up, such as Trash Bank, where a roofer can exchange services with a dentist, or a truck can be swapped for a wood stove etc.
In the depression of the 1930s communities established their own Depression Barter System, such as this Virginia Masonic Lodge http://www.srmason-sj.org/council/journal/dec00/dodson.html
There is also renewed interest in the use of Community Currencies as an alternative to the dollar, as seen in this extensive list...
Wealth Hacker discusses starting a community currency on their site...
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